Werkey provides a one-stop-shop for freelancers, which includes exciting assignments with market-leading companies, simple accounting tailored to consultants, flexible financing, access to workspaces around the world, a large network of like-minded consultants, workout subscriptions, and great member benefits.

Yes, Werkey connects freelancers with top-tier companies looking for their competences and offers exciting assignments through its app.

Hiring a freelancer or a full-time employee depends on the needs of your business. Freelancers offer flexibility and cost savings, while full-time employees provide stability and long-term commitment.

Yes, many freelancers work full-time and make a living through their freelance work. Werkey’s app offers exciting assignments with market-leading companies, making it easier for freelancers to work full-time.

The cost of hiring a freelancer hourly depends on the type of work and the freelancer’s experience. Werkey’s app offers access to a large network of freelancers, allowing you to find the right fit for your project at a reasonable price.

Hiring a freelancer can be cheaper than hiring a full-time employee because freelancers typically charge by the hour or project and do not require benefits or a salary. However, it depends on the project’s scope, the freelancer’s experience, and the length of the project. Werkey’s app offers access to a large network of freelancers, allowing you to find the right fit for your project at a reasonable price.