Invoice without a company
Start as a consultant today and send your first invoice in just 10 minutes!
Let us handle the paperwork so you can focus on your assignment
Let us handle the paperwork so you can focus on your assignment
If you want to send an invoice for an assignment and you don’t have your own company yet, you’ve come to the right place:
- Create a free account
- We handle the paperwork, pension and all the boring bits
- Low fee & fast payment when you need us
How invoicing without a company works
Taxes & fees
- We keep track of important dates for reporting to authorities
- We manage you tax and fee payments
- Fines fixed rates
Express Payment
- Option to finance your invoices
- Payout 1-3 days from sent invoice
- Remember and det collection
- Legal advice
- Group live insurance (TGL)
- Occupational injury insurance (TFA)
- Liability insurance
Flexible invoicing so you can start freelancing today!
Use Werkey as a secure and fast way to send invoices without having your own company. We handle the paperwork, pension and all the other boring bits, so you can concentrate on your work.
Fill out the form
“I wish I had started gigging sooner. I can’t believe how easy it is to send invoices with Werkey’s gig service!”
Michaela Hagen, 42

“I wish I had started gigging sooner. I can’t believe how easy it is to send invoices with Werkey’s gig service!”
Michaela Hagen, 42
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